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Research presentations at National Conferences


  1. Schreiber, B. (2019). Diverse Research Methods in Diverse Contexts. National Association of Student Development Best Practice Summit, May 2019, Bloemfontein, South Africa.

  2. Schreiber, B. (2018). The Student Life Experience – wellness and success in the context of food security, gender-based violence and compromised mental health. Southern African Federation Convention: November 2018, Durban, South Africa.

  3. Schreiber, B. (2017). Publish or Perish! Research and Relish! Presented at South African Resource Centre for the First year Experience conference, Johannesburg, May, 2017.

  4. Schreiber, B. (2015). Workshop: The national quest for professional development. SAACDHE Conference, 2015, Cape Town, South Africa.

  5. Schreiber, B. (2014). Articulating all Efforts: CSI and Higher Education align to achieve shared goals. UWC Colloquium, May 2015, UWC, South Africa.

  6. Schreiber, B. (2014). Student Engagement Practices at UWC – lessons and recommendations for UWC. UWC Colloquium, May 2014, UWC, South Africa.

  7. Schreiber, B. (2014). UWC Colloquium:  The co-curriculum: an integrated practice or fragments at the fringes of university experiences? Paper at UWC Colloquium, May, 2014.

  8. Jansen, S., Schreiber, B. (2013). Differentiation of governance and student organisation: two focus areas with different training and support requirements – maximising unique development opportunities. Paper presented at the DHET National Student Leadership Policy Summit, University of Johannesburg, 9-12 July 2013, South Africa.

  9. Schreiber, B. Jansen, S. (2013). Locating constructions about students within Higher Education discourses and implications for institutions. Paper presented at Psychological Society South Africa Conference, Johannesburg, 24-27 September 2013.

  10. Schreiber, B. (2013). Reconsidering learning as integration beyond the discursive and formal communities – learning as a transformative process. Paper presented at the South African Association of Counselling and Development in Higher Education, (SAACDHE), Conference, Port Elizabeth, 9-11 September 2013.

  11. Schreiber, B. (2013).  Exploring notions about students: The underprepared client or heterogeneous partners in knowledge creation? Paper presented at the South African Association of Counselling and Development in Higher Education, (SAACDHE), Conference, Port Elizabeth, 9-11 September 2013.

  12. Schreiber, B. (2013). Challenges Facing Student Affairs - or Challenges Facing SAASSAP? Paper presented at National Deans’ Consultative Forum, Johannesburg, 23-24 October 2013.

  13. Schreiber, B. (2013). Re-shaping Student Organisations to the Realities of Today. Department of Higher Education and Training National Student Leadership Policy Summit, Johannesburg, South Africa. 9-12 July 2013.

  14. Schreiber, B. (2013). Using Bernstein’s notion of re-contextualising fields to understand the challenges around integration of discursive and formal communities at UWC.  Paper presented at the UWC Teaching & Learning Colloquium. Cape Town, 19 July 2013.  

  15. Schreiber, B. (2013). Student Affairs – Student Development – Student Support: conceptual and discursive influences on the work of Development and Support within Student Affairs. Provincial New Hope Summit: False Bay College, Muizenberg, September 2013.

  16. Schreiber, B., Jansen, S. (2013). Differentiation of governance and student organisation – two focus areas with different training and support requirements – maximising unique development opportunities. Paper presented at DHET National Student Leadership Policy Summit, University of Johannesburg, 9-12 July 2013, invited as guest speaker by DHET.

  17. Schreiber, B. (2012). The integration of student development and academic learning – a case study.  Paper presented at the 14th Annual Conference, South African Association of Senior Student Affairs Practitioners, (SAASSAP), Bloemfontein, South Africa, 24-26 October 2012.

  18. Schreiber, B. (2012). Contributions of Internationalisation to Student Development – an Integrated Approach. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Conference, South African Association of Senior Student Affairs Practitioners, (SAASSAP), Bloemfontein, South Africa, 24-26 October 2012.

  19. Schreiber, B. (2012). Rethinking the integrating of internationalisation into higher education to improve student involvement. Paper presented at the Southern African Association of Counselling and Development in Higher Education, (SAACDHE), 33rd Conference, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 10-13 September 2012.

  20. Schreiber, B., Permall, L. (2012). The integration of a student development and support programme into the first-year experience of Science Students at the University of the Western Cape. Paper presented at the Southern African Association of Counselling and Development in Higher Education, (SAACDHE), 33rd Conference, Bloemfontein. South Africa, 10-13 September 2012.

  21. Schreiber, B. (2012). Student Development and Support: the terrain of neat policies and messy practices. Paper presented at Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association of South Africa, (HELTASA), Grahamstown. South Africa, July 2012. 

  22. Schreiber, B. (2012). Professional Identity Development in a Multicultural Context: Synergies and Paradoxes. Paper presented at Global Citizen Lecture Series, Oslo University, Oslo, 2012. Knowledge resources: (uploaded 2013-08-05)

  23. Aartun, K., Schreiber, B. (2011). Delivering to where the students are at: utilizing students’ preferred media to provide student support. Paper presented at South African Association of Senior Student Affairs Practitioners, (SAASSAP), Stellenbosch. South Africa, October 2011.

  24. Schreiber, B. (2011). Innovative practices in Student Support: Using electronic media to support students via online and mobile advice service. Paper presented at the Southern African Association of Counselling and Development in Higher Education, (SAACDHE), Conference, Sun City. South Africa, 12-15 September 2011.

  25. Schreiber, B. (2011). Challenges in Program Evaluations. Paper presented at UWC Mentoring Colloquium: Contributions of Peer Mentoring to the Transformation of Higher Education, UWC. South Africa, February 2011.

  26. Schreiber, B. (2010). Extending Boundaries into HE: An exploration of instructive policies with regard to Student Development and Support’s role and function within HEIs in South Africa. Paper presented at Psychological Society of South Africa, (PsySSA), Conference, Durban. South Africa, 4 August 2010.

  27. Schreiber, B. (2010). The Impact of Globalization on Student Development and Services: Exploring the role and function of Student Development and Services within current eco-political realities. Paper presented at the Southern African Association of Counselling and Development in Higher Education, (SAACDHE), conference, Stellenbosch. South Africa, September 2010.

  28. Schreiber, B. (2010).  SDS within changing Eco-political realities: Who do we serve? Paper presented at the South African Association of Senior Student Affairs Practitioners conference, (SAASSAP), Port Elizabeth. South Africa, October 2010.

  29. Schreiber, B. (2009). Positioning Student Affairs in Higher Education in South Africa: An exploration of instructive policies with regard to Student Development and Support’s role and function within Higher Education Institutions in South Africa. Paper presented at South African Association of Senior Student Affairs Practitioners conference, (SAASSAP), Wits. South Africa, 16 September 2009.

  30. Schreiber, B. (2009). The Challenges at Student Development and Support at South African Universities in the changed context of South African Higher Education. Paper presented at Oslo University Psychology Department, Oslo, 2009.

  31. Schreiber, B. (2008). Challenges for the Design on Effective 1st year interventions. Paper presented at SA Conference on the First year Experience: opening conversations on 1st year success, Stellenbosch University. South Africa, 8-10 Sept, 2008.

  32. Davidowitz, B., Schreiber, B. (2007). Facilitating Adjustment to Higher Education: Enhancing academic functioning for students in an academic development program. Conversations about Foundations, Paper presented at the Higher Education Learning & Teaching Association of Southern Africa, (HELTASA), 2007.

  33. Davidowitz, B., Schreiber, B. (2006). Skills for Success in Science: Facilitating Adjustment of First Year Students to University. Paper presented at South African Association of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, (SAARMSTE), 14th Annual conference, 2006.

  34. Schreiber, B. (2005). Add-on and Integrated Development Programs as Significant Contributors in Addressing Challenges in Efficiency in HE. Paper presented at South African Association of Senior Student Affairs Professionals, (SAASSAP), 5th Annual Conference, 2005.

  35. Schreiber, B. (2004). Factors affecting Efficiency and Retention – Experiences at UCT. Paper presented at Society for Student Counselling Services of South African, (SSCSA), 25th Annual Conference, 2004.

  36. Schreiber, B. (2003). Keeping it Short and Smart: Brief Term Psychological Therapies. Paper presented at South African Association of Senior Student Affairs Professionals, (SAASSAP), 4th National Conference, 2003.

  37. Schreiber, B. (2002).  Psychological Services in an African Context. Paper presented at University of California, Berkeley, USA: Open Lecture Series of Centre for African Studies, Fall Program, 2002.

  38. Schreiber, B. (2002). Utilizing Groups in Counselling Services. Paper presented at University of California, Berkeley, USA: Counselling and Psychological Service, 2002.

  39. Schreiber, B. (2001). Group Psychotherapy with University Students. Paper presented at Psychological Society of South Africa, (PsySSA), 5th National Congress 2001, South Africa.

  40. Schreiber, B. (2001). Group Psychotherapy: Pro-active Development and Re-active Treatment. Paper presented at Society for Student Counselling in South Africa, (SSCSA), 22nd Annual conference, 2001.

  41. Schreiber, B. (1998). The Impact of a Mentoring Program on a Group of Students. Paper presented at the Psychological Society of South Africa, (PsySSA), 4th National Congress, 1998.

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